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Networks and Managerial Dynamics

I recently relearned network for Social Innovation theory.

This is because we have decided not to have employees in the future as part of the company's management, but this is not based on the idea that human resources are unnecessary. After all, the most important management resource is still people (because it is people who can manage other resources).

Therefore, the question that continually haunts me is, "How do we acquire the necessary human resources and build cooperative relationships?

Can networking be a strategy?

What we notice about the potential of network theory is that it differs from other assets in the way it "grows". For example, "growth of economic assets" can be expressed as follows A or B

A is simple accumulation, B is growth with compound interest

Many other things that can be called "assets" are expected to draw similar growth. However, if we focus on the growth of the network, we get the following image.

Image of network extending from core to α and from α to β

This is shown below in the same graph as before, and it is important to note that there is a "point of force" in the growth of the network.

The horizontal line represents the "number of trials," which appears to be a similar concept to "time. (The concept of using time as a management resource may be the same.)

It can be seen that "time = continuous effort" in the graph represented by the growth graph of the economic Resourse, whereas "point of force = intermittent effort" in the growth of the network.

In other words, if measures that contribute to "focal points" or a base community management structure that grows from αβγ... If we can successfully manage a base community management system that grows with the "focal points," it is possible to create assets with a high ROI.

The question is how to make it a win-win-win-win...

Thank you.


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